Hi, welcome to Aigang (AIX).

01 Nov 2018, 14:13
Hi, welcome to Aigang (AIX) Aigang should run an AMA (most likely on reddit) before the end of the year, you can add more questions in this link: Here is the last September-October dev update : Here is an interesting link on the prediction market architecture: - (part 1) - (part 2) Here is the link of the github important projects : - - - You can expect bi-weekly updates from the devs in the following link: - You can give your feedback on the current alpha version on this link: - You can buy AIX in : - - - Official reddit page: Official bitcointalk page : Official discord page: Official website : https://aigang.network/ Whitepaper : https://aigang.network/whitepaper FAQ : Update: if I don't have any feedback from the real team before end of february, I'll consider that the project is a failure and leave this group - as it's pointless to stay here without any news from them.